Thursday, 5 May 2011

Sofa beds, powercuts and playing mother earth

Well kittens, it's been quite a week.

First, me and Becca discovered that my bed is actually a sofa bed. Now this excited me probably more than it should, but hey I've always wanted a sofa in my room and now I have one! I know it's childish but I considered it a brilliant discovery - I have a double bed and a sofa in my room?! Double classy points for me.

Perhaps the most important news was that of the Ray16 powercut.

Whilst cooking on Saturday, the power in our house suddenly went out. Whilst at first we assumed it was just a quick powercut, we decided to ring Southern Electric and we discovered it was just our house and that it was probably an internal fault. So we ring landlord Jim in the hopes he will rescue us, and we light lots of candles. The waiting-for-Jim process was actually extremely fun. We drank lots of Rose wine and chatted about scandalous things in a truth-or-dare style situation. It was great. Then Jim came and made it sound terrifying and told us he would try and ring an electrician tomorrow.

Although, tomorrow was a bank holiday so we were nervous. My fear of the dark led me to flee to Ewan's house for night, whilst Rix and Becca holed up in Francis' house.

An electrician came the next day and within about 10 minutes he had discerned that the problem was simply the toaster. It wasn't bad wiring like Jim had made out to us, they didn't need to tear up the house. Our electricity was restored in a few minutes and all because of a bad toaster. How silly. Although we did get a brilliant drawing out of it as you can see here. It's an Alex & Rix masterpiece.

Another thing that seems to have occured in my life is that I've become interested in plants. Well, I say interested, but what I mean is that suddenly I've wanted to have plants in the house and grow them. So I bought this Viola plant from Homebase and it sits proudly outside of our house on the doorstep. Despite getting crushed by some mean person, it's bounced back wonderfully and it's flowers are so pretty. I also bought a bright pink Gerbera to have in my room in a cream pot. Again, it's very pretty and definitely brightens up the room. I just have to make sure I remember to water them properly!

Besides that kittens, it's just been the usual fare: pulling pints, visiting the doctor, being loved up with the boyfriend and spending more money than I have. Wonderful.

Love always,

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