Now anyone who knows me will know that I am not a religious person. I could sit for hours and rant about how destructive most organized religions are, but that is not the point of this blog post.
My friends here at university often partake in the Christian tradition of giving up something for the period of lent. This is not a tradition I have ever decided to join in with since, if I'm not religious, why would I deprive myself of something I like? I believe Jimmy Carr tweeted it best today when he said:
"The best thing about being an atheist is Shrove Tuesday becomes Pancake Day (and you can have Pancakes again tomorrow)"
However, this year I have felt strangely compelled to take part in the whole lent thing. I am still not sure why.
Many of my friends are giving up facebook which is admirable, but I like facebook and I'm not sure it will really help me with anything. I think having facebook on my phone has actually helped me go on it less, since I know I will get an email if I have any notifications and it only takes two seconds to check. Now I don't need to spend my time refreshing and logging in and checking everyone's profiles. Since it does it for me I actually use it much less, and I'm less compelled to keep checking back. Besides, I thoroughly enjoy my internet addiction and don't intend to stop it.
So what would be a good thing for me to give up? Really I should give up junk food. I have eaten way too much of it lately unnecessarily and not only is it unhealthy, it's draining my bank balance fast. Now I know myself pretty well, having had 20 years experience dealing with myself and all, and I know that I tend to not have a lot of willpower when it comes to food. My plan is to avoid having money on me, or to avoid situations where I might be likely to indulge. It won't be easy but hey ho, life goes on. And I could definitely do with shedding some pounds!
Since it is pancake day, I have to give a special mention to Ewan for coming over with all the trimmings (that I demanded, ha!) and cooking me some delicious pancakes. It was lovely to just spend the evening with him and we had a wonderful night.
In other news, it is hair appointment time tomorrow and I am very excited! Also, I need to get myself organized since I've got a lot of stuff to do now and coming up soon - eek!
Until next time kittens,
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