In true me fashion, I have not done a lot of reading this week. But that doesn't mean I haven't done anything, so let me fill you in kittens.
I think I have reached a nice point in my job at the Salamander where I feel pretty comfortable with what I'm doing. I know longer feel like the new kid, instead I feel like I'm one of them. I've bonded with Keiran, impressed James and even helped the new guy out on his first shift. Having a job has definitely bought out a lot of confidence in me. When you have to talk to strangers all the time, learn things on the spot and figure out solutions when something goes wrong, you can't always be a wallflower. Plus it has been lovely meeting all kinds of people, and working with some absolute dudes. And let's not forget, I did find myself a love interest there. And having some kind of monetary income is unbelievably helpful right now.
Speaking of the boyfriend, I am very happy in that department. As he likes to say, we work well together. Whilst I wasn't convinced getting myself into a relationship was the best thing for me, I have yet to regret a second of it. I am just having best time and I am not going to apologize for it, or feel bad. And you can't beat a guy who's willing to take me to TGI's because of how I go on about their individually cheesed nachos, or set up a joint blockbuster account with me, or call me beautiful even when I've just woken up and I look like death warmed up. It feels lovely.
I was supposed to be heading home to Northampton (North-tramp-ton?) for a couple of days but that kind of fell through. I realized I would be paying £40 to head home for one night, to spend another £20 on a dinner, to not see my dad or mum, and then get the train back again. It didn't seem worth it to me. Not when I have uni work and lots of organizing to do here anyway. I could tell that my family were gutted from their text responses to my decision to stay here - "Ok" being the longest one. Oh, my crazy family. I love them really. Things seem to be turning round for my mum as well which is nice. She's gotten herself a fancy new job, her dogs are all healthy again and she sounds much less depressed. And she even offered to pay for my hair - win!
Now I'm planning to blog extensively about my hair next week, but I am planning an Alex Page overhaul. Basically I'm in need of change and it's time for an overhaul.
I've booked myself a hair appointment for Wednesday, and I'm going to see about getting a tattoo done in the next few weeks hopefully (depending on money). I've been deleting a lot of crap from my computer today, and it's very metaphorical for the crap I am cutting out of my life. I'm shutting a lot of doors in the hopes of opening some new ones. Sometimes, your life just needs a spring clean.
Aside from the boring stuff - I've written an essay, I have more university work to do, I should do more writing and considering trying to get published, etc. - there isn't a lot left to tell you. Except that I hope by this time, Steph has stopped throwing up as she was very drunk last night.
Meow for now,
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