Thursday, 24 November 2011

Weight woes... or not...

I suppose I find it quite amusing that the first time a person calls me fat to my face in ages, I react by feeling not at all fat.

I have always had problems with my weight, and before if someone had said that I'm sure I wouldn't have eaten for a couple of days and cried a lot.

I mean, sure it stung to hear, but it actually only reaffirmed in me the fact that I am not the same girl I used to be and I actually rather like the way I live.

It's not that I don't think that I am fat - I do - it's more than I am not willing to change my lifestyle so dramatically. Yes I should get more exercise and cut down on the chocolate, but these are things I already knew. I'm actually rather fine with being so frivilous with my food at the moment. If I can afford to, if I am happy in my choices, why should someone make me feel bad for ordering a dessert or eating extravagantly.

I know full well that post university I will be healthier, more concerned as I move into 'proper' adulthood that every calorie will count against my figure. But right now I am young and I am happy and I will have my McFlurry and eat it too!


Sunday, 20 November 2011

Partner let me update you

So kittens here's what's been happening:

  • On Friday I got the contraceptive implant placed into my left arm to stop me getting pregnant for the next three years. It's something I've been thinking about for a few years now and felt it was time for a (contraceptive) change. It didn't really hurt, I can barely feel it in there unless I touch it, and I'm hoping my body reacts well to it.
  • I have quit my job at Jolly's having found it too difficult to keep up with the ever-increasing workload at university whilst having a job.
  • Everything is excellent with the boyfriend.
  • The nurse told me I'm fat. Thanks a lot for that one, Nurse Viv.
  • I was the murderer in a murder mystery!
Love always kittens,

Hope to blog you properly soon! x