Despite having almost no money and anticipating a heavy dip into my overdraft in the coming months, and despite getting so stressed out about money that I've literally gotten upset enough to cry, and despite the fact that I'm struggling to get a job...
I spent quite a bit of money in the Topshop sale yesterday. No, I've not developed a shopping addiction or gone mad with greed - I simply treated myself with my leftover birthday money. There are two things you might need to know beforehand in order to explain my shopping justification:
1. I didn't get a lot in the way of presents this year for my birthday, and I've been hanging on to the money my Mum gave me as a present with the idea in mind that I might buy something substantial when I figure out what I want. But usually what happens with that plan, is that I end up putting it in my bank account and using it as I would any money - spending it on food shopping, train tickets or rent. Nothing too exciting or birthday-like.
2. I have come to dislike almost all of my clothes and feel like I have no style at all. I tend to stick to scruffy t-shirts and worn jeans - not a particularly fashionable look! So I've been planning on buying some more statement items, some pieces to make my wardrobe seem at least a little fashion conscious.
So when I got an email from Topshop informing me of the sale that had just started on their website, I couldn't help but take a look. And to my absolute glee at the moment I found that many of the items I'd been eyeing up for a while where half price or even cheaper. I ended up buying a floral crop top (down from £20 to £10), some fabulous taupe biker trousers (£40 to £20), a gorgeous jade green lace top (£35 to £18) and a print tunic top (£35 to £15) - and I think, for Topshop, those are some absolute bargains!
Whilst I did experience some sharp pangs of shopper's remorse, I simply told myself that I was allowed to treat myself with money that has been put aside for that specific purpose, and carried on my merry way. Besides, better it be sale items than splurging on full price. Although it has made me wary of sales now, as I did only intend to take a quick peek and ended up buying almost £70 worth of clothes...
So after my Topshop online shopping free, I went to town today and spent even more money. Oops? Sort of.
I bought myself a nice winter coat from New Look, where they have 20% of all coats at the moment, and some black skinny jeans, which I have been after for months now. And of course, 10% student discount.
And then we went to Topshop and they had the sale on in-store. Now I have had a £26.80 to spend in-store with a voucher left over from my birthday, so I ended up buying some £20 trousers, £2.50 earrings and £5 earrings with the voucher. Now I'm not ridiculous at maths, I know that that comes to more than I had on the voucher, but student discount took it down to my price range. And yes, Topshop let's you get student discount on sale items - genius!
So whilst it seems like I have bought loads these last couple of days, technically it's all been allowed. I even rang my Dad when I was in New Look to ask whether he minded he spending my money this way, ha! Score!